Annual General Meeting (AGM) Report

Borough of Harrow Swimming Club (BHSC)
Date: 5th December 2024
Time: 7:00 PM
Venue: Harrow Leisure Centre

The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club (BHSC) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, 5th December 2024, at 7:00 PM. The meeting, coordinated by Club Secretary Sanjiv Sharma, provided an opportunity to review the club’s achievements over the past year and set a vision for 2025.

1. Opening Remarks and Welcome

Secretary Sanjiv Sharma welcomed attendees and highlighted the purpose of the AGM: to review the club’s operations, assess its financial health, and chart the path forward for the coming year.

2. Head Coach’s Report

Head Coach Daniel delivered the first report, presenting an encouraging overview of the club’s swimming squads. He praised the commitment and development of swimmers across all age groups and emphasized the strong performances from the younger squads, which bode well for the club’s future. The successes of the year demonstrated the effectiveness of the training programs and the dedication of the coaching team.

3. Financial Report

Treasurer Zak Andrawos provided a detailed financial report, outlining the challenges and achievements of the past year. While the club incurred a loss of £12,000 due to the temporary closure of the centre, it successfully maintained membership fees at the same level for 2024 and committed to keeping them unchanged for 2025. Zak attributed this stability to the club’s prudent financial management and healthy reserves, stressing the importance of continuing to build these reserves for future contingencies.

4. Chairperson’s Report

Chairperson Suzette Muhammed presented the Chairperson’s Report, reflecting on the club’s progress and accomplishments. She commended the collaborative efforts of the coaching staff, administrative team, and members in driving the club forward. Suzette also emphasized the club’s dedication to fostering a supportive environment for swimmers of all abilities and maintaining its position as a pillar of the local community.

5. Club constitution

Club constitution presented and approved by members.


5. Election of Office Bearers for 2024/2025

The following individuals were elected as office bearers for the upcoming term:

  • Chairperson: Suzette Muhammed
  • Secretary: Sanjiv Sharma
  • Treasurer: Zak Andrawos
  • Welfare Officer: Catherine Garner
  • Competition Secretary: Dominique Ford
  • Volunteer Coordinator: Emma Soteriou
  • Officials Coordinator: Kiru Somasundram

These office bearers will guide the club through 2025, continuing to build on its strong foundation.

6. Closing Remarks

The AGM concluded with a positive outlook for the future. Members were encouraged by the reports and the club’s resilience in the face of challenges. Secretary Sanjiv Sharma thanked all attendees for their contributions and reiterated the club’s commitment to providing excellent opportunities for all its swimmers.

7. Additional Information

All detailed reports from the AGM, including the Head Coach’s, Financial, and Chairperson’s reports, are available below for members to review.

Club Secertary

Sanjiv Sharma

Chair Report_23‑24

Head Coach Report_23‑24

Treasurer Report_23‑24



We are a competitive sport club - with our swimmers competing at all levels from local team galas to British National.


Do you want to be part of Harrow Swimming Club sport experience? Feel free to contact us for more info.
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